JUNE 20, 2022




These By-laws are intended to supplement the Club’s Constitution, and to govern the operation and conduct of the Club’s business.






1.      Preside at all officially called Club meetings;

2.      Appoint all committees and chairmen, an A.N.A. Club Representative, Historian, Magazine Editor, Convention Chairman, Election Chairman, Advertising Manager, Publicity Chairman, Librarian, Claims Director, and such other positions and offices as shall from time to time become desired by the President and/or Board of Directors, and to designate such committees as standing or ad hoc, with the exception that he/she can not appoint themselves as Convention or MoGH chair; and

3.      To conduct the business of the Club, with the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors.




1.      Act in the absence of the President at all meetings;

2.      Act as chairman for educational and special events, and

3.      Perform additional duties as directed by the President or the Board.





1.      Conduct the Club’s official correspondence and serve as the Club’s prime contact on all inquiries;

2.      Act as Secretary to the Board of Directors by taking and maintaining all official minutes of Board meetings and official Club meetings, and preparing or causing to be prepared official documents.

3.      Perform additional duties as directed by the President or the Board.




1.      Process new membership applications, assign membership numbers and issue membership cards;

2.     Maintain the Club computer database and publish periodic membership directories in accordance with the CCA Acceptable Use Policy;

3.      Using the Club database, provide mailing lists for the quarterly magazine to the magazine Editor;

4.      Issue annual call for dues renewal and receive all payments of same;

Forward all dues payment received promptly to the Treasurer; and

Perform additional duties as directed by the President or the Board;

5.      Write a Membership article for the quarterly Club magazine.




1.      Record all income received.  All payments made shall be evidenced by receipts, written certification of payment or canceled checks.  All payments must be made by check when possible.  All accounts are required to have the signatures of two (2) officers for disbursements and must be designated with the banking institution as a “two signature required” account;

2.      If necessary, maintain a petty cash fund not to exceed $250;

3.      Prepare quarterly financial reports for publication in the official Club magazine, summarizing income, expenses, assets and liabilities, and submit an annual financial report to be reviewed with the membership at the annual convention meeting each year, together with filing any necessary tax returns;

4.      To have all accounts and records available for auditing and to personally be available to answer questions during the first quarter of each calendar year.  The Audit Committee shall consist of at least three (3) Club members appointed by the President, plus the President.  The written report by the Audit Committee shall be presented to the membership in the Club magazine issue following the audit;

5.      Establish and maintain a separate interest-bearing account for the deposit of Life Membership dues, to maintain Life Member benefits.  Funds deposited into such account shall not be used for any other purpose; and

6.      Perform additional duties as directed by the President or the Board.

7.      No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustee, director or officer of the organization, or any private individual (except that reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the organization), and no member, trustee, or officer shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the organization’s assets upon the dissolution of the organization.



The Club shall conduct an annual meeting and convention, and shall announce the same in the official Club periodical more than thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting and convention.  The Club may also meet officially at any time upon the call of the President or three (3) other members of the Board.  The same thirty (30) day notice shall be given to the membership.  The Board of Directors and officers shall correspond from time to time to prepare an advance agenda for the public meetings of the Club.


NOTE A: Pursuant to the Nevada Secretary of State's decree that no physical meeting needs to take place in 2020 due to COVID-19 a 'virtual' meeting between the BoD members and 2 other club members will take place to satisfy our statutory obligations.




Current membership dues are:

1.      Regular member: $35 per year

2.      Associate member: $5 per year

3.      Foreign member:  $48 per year

4.      Life member:  one-time payment as specified in the Constitution

5.      Associate Life member:  one-time payment of $50


The amount of annual dues is subject to change by the Board of Directors as increased costs and additional services may from time to time require.  Change in the dues shall be effective upon approval by the Board of Directors and implemented on a date specified by the Board.  No change in these by-laws is necessary.


A spouse of a deceased member who themselves is an Associate member may retain their membership number for up to one year after the end of the current renewal period, after which time they need to convert to a full Regular member to retain that membership number. This applies to the spouse only and is not transferable.




The Club has certain logos and symbols which it must protect in order to protect its reputation in the collectibles community.  No member is allowed to use the Club name, logo or symbol other than is approved by these By-laws or as otherwise specifically approved in writing by the Board of Directors.


  1. Only members in good standing may identify themselves as members of the Club.
  2. Any member who identifies himself/herself as a member must affix or state their membership number so as not to confuse the public.
  3. “Identifies” includes advertising, announcements, business cards, internet web sites, internet or live auctions, e-mails, and any and all other types of communication.
  4. Every member must make an effort not to confuse the public or lead the public to think that the member represents or speaks for the Club, other than those officers who actually do speak for the Club or those who have been authorized by the Board to speak for the Club (e.g. Committee chairs, etc.).
  5. No event, show, auction or convention shall use the Club name, logo or symbol for any reason whatsoever unless it is an event, show, auction or convention run by the Club.
  6. Once the Board has approved a “Member’s Logo” which contains the member’s membership number, only that logo may be used by members in their advertising, promotion, business cards, auctions, etc.
  7. Any other use of the Club name, logo or symbol must be submitted to the Board of Directors for their approval prior to such use.
  8. The entities formerly known as “Chapters” are prohibited from using the Club name, logo or symbol as representative of their organization.




1.      Members are required to adhere to and conform to the Club’s Code of Ethics, as now enacted and as amended in the future.

2.      Members are required to interact with other members in a civil, non-antagonistic, cooperative way.

3.      Members are required to fully cooperate with any investigation into violations of the Code of Ethics, give full cooperation and full testimony if requested to, under oath if so desired by those conducting the investigation.

4.      Members are required to report violations of the Code of Ethics to the Board of Directors.





Any member who:


    1. violates the Constitution of this organization; or
    2. violates the By-laws of this organization; or
    3. violates the Code of Ethics of this organization; or
    4. fails to cooperate fully, completely and honestly with any Board of Inquiry into improper conduct, under oath if so requested; or
    5. has been convicted of a criminal offense; or
    6. engages in conduct unbecoming a member; or
    7. engages in conduct deemed detrimental to the welfare of the organization and/or its member and/or the hobby; or
    8. engages in conduct deemed unduly hostile or antagonistic or adversarial to fellow members


shall be subject to expulsion and/or any other disciplinary action at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors may act upon any complaint, formal or informal.  In acting upon any complaint, the Board of Directors and their agents shall act in conformity with the rules and procedures set forth in the CCA Ethics Claims Procedure.


Once expelled by the Board of Directors, a former member may only be re-instated by a unanimous vote of that or a subsequent Board of Directors.


Any non-member who has violated the above proscriptions may peremptorily be barred and banned from membership, whether or not that person has actually applied for membership. Such action shall require a supermajority vote of the Board of Directors, which shall retain such proof as it deems necessary to validate in the future such action taken.


Should a peremptorily banned non-member subsequently apply for membership, the then-current Board of Directors may continue such ban or may condition admittance upon such conditions as exhibit that the reason for the peremptory ban no longer exists.




The Club has elected to eliminate the category of “Chapters”, has revoked any such Charters previously issued, and prohibits any person or group from representing themselves to be a Chapter of the Club or to speak for the Club.




A.  No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided for by Section 510(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, or by participating in, or intervening in, including the publication or distribution of statements) or any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


B.  The organization shall be permitted, as provided for in Section 502(h), to attempt to influence legislation or policy or enforcement of policy, rules and regulations when such activities are deemed by the Board of Directors to be in the best interests of the organization and the hobby.