Organization Center

Welcome to the CC&GTCC Organization Center! Here you will find all of the official information on how the club is organized and run. The Organization Center is divided into the following sections:

  • Constitution - the official consitution of the CC&GTCC.
  • By-Laws - other rules and regulations serving as a supplement to the club constitution.
  • Code of Ethics - the rules by which all members pledge to abide as a member of the CC&GTCC.
  • Officers - a list of the current officials of the CC&GTCC.
  • Elections - a list of the candidates for the upcoming officer elections.
  • Club History - a list of historical facts pertaining to the CC&GTCC.
  • Logo Usage Policy - policies concerning the use of the CC&GTCC logo.
  • Slabbing Position Paper - the position of the current BOD on slabbing.
  • Reward Fund - the Club Reward Fund.